Consent to Personal Data Processing

I hereby grant the International Career Advancement Network, z.s., ID: 21317836,  with registered office at Antala Staska 1859/34, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech republic, European Union (hereinafter referred to only as “ICAN”) my consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the conditions specified below. Personal data is processed in the scope in which it was provided by me to ICAN, i.e. in the scope of the registration forms on the website: (hereinafter referred to only as the “website”) and also in the scope of data and information obtained within the framework of my use of the website. If I participate in events operated by ICAN, I also grant my consent to the processing of additional personal data that has been disclosed in the registration form for this event, even after this event has ended. More specifically this concerns my name, surname, sex, date of birth, contact details or electronic data about my IP address and cookies (hereinafter referred to only as “Personal Data”).

The legal grounds for processing Personal Data are spelled out in this consent form. On the basis of this consent, ICAN is entitled to process Personal Data for the purpose of ensuring due implementation of: marketing activities, the creation of surveys and commercial statistics relating to behavior, sending commercial messages (including sending commercial messages electronically), sending invitations to events organized by ICAN, the provision of specialist and marketing information, all of which includes any means of communication, in particular via the website, by e-mail, by telephone or by post.

I also grant my consent to ICAN to perform profiling on the basis of Personal Data and to the process Personal Data using automated procedures. This means that during use of the procedures as mentioned above, Personal Data may be processed automatically in such a way as to provide users with benefits and offers that correspond to their preferences and interests according to their ascertained behavior. As a result of automated decision-making, individual users may receive different benefits and offers, or specific offers and benefits provided may only be available to selected users.

Third parties shall not have access to Personal Data without my additional consent or subject to legal obligation.

I grant this consent for 5 years, or until the moment of withdrawal of this consent and for the period that is essential after its withdrawal, an action that I am entitled to perform at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of processing arising from this consent, which would have been given before its withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent shall also have no impact on the handling of Personal Data which ICAN processes on the basis of different legal grounds other than when consent is needed (i.e., in particular, processing which is necessary for the performance of a membership/contract, the meeting of a legal obligation or on other grounds specified in the valid legislation).

Principles of personal data protection International Career Advancement Network, z.s.

Last updated: July 2024

These principles of personal data protection contain information about which items of your personal data we collect, how we use your data, how it is published and how we protect it.


The administrator of your personal data is the International Career Advancement Network, z.s., ID: 21317836,  with registered office at Antala Staska 1859/34, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech republic, European Union, represented by the Chair of the Governing Board Pavel Makovsky, Ph.D (the “Administrator”)


Please feel free to contact us with your suggestions or complaints at the following e-mail address: dataprotection@


We only process the personal data, which you provide us in relation to the use of our services, sending of commercial messages and contracts we have concluded.

This most often concerns:

  • Name and surname
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number
  • IP address
  • MAC address

If you have concluded a membership/contract with us, we usually process the following personal data:

  • Permanent residence address
  • Marital status
  • Account number
  • Company ID number (in the case of the self-employed)
  • Personal ID number*
  • Place of birth
  • Government issued photo ID (Number of personal ID card/Copy of personal ID card/disability card)*
  • Nationality
  • Education
  • Employment, job title


We will always process your data for the whole duration of the contractual relationship between us, and subsequently, on the basis of the consent that you have given for an indefinite period or until you withdraw your consent.

You can find the request to delete your Personal Data here.

You can withdraw your consent to process personal data at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not, however, affect the legality of processing your personal data based on your prior consent given before it was withdrawn. You can withdraw your consent at any time in writing by sending an e-mail or letter to the above-mentioned contact address of our representative this being without any additional costs and consequences for the existing or future contractual relations between the Administrator and us. In this case, we will discontinue all processing activities.

We process some personal data, which is necessary for the due performance of contracts regardless of your consent, this being for the necessary period of time (e.g., including any claim period which may have been provided). This also applies to the meeting of obligations arising for us from the generally binding legislation, when we have to process some of your personal data for the period determined by such legislation or in compliance with it, this even being after you possibly having withdrawn your consent.


In relation to your personal data, you are in particular:

  • entitled to withdraw your consent at any time;
  • entitled to correct or supplement personal data;
  • entitled to request restriction of processing;
  • entitled to object or submit a complaint about processing in some instances;
  • entitled to request the portability of data;
  • entitled to access personal data;
  • entitled to be informed of breaches of security of personal data in certain cases;
  • entitled to have your personal data deleted (the right to be “forgotten”) in certain cases; and
  • entitled to other.


Your personal data is processed directly by the Administrator or Processor, which shall also provide sufficient and credible guarantees regarding technical and organizational measures used to protect your personal data. Processing of your personal data is performed in technically and physically secured electronic information systems.


We do not intend to pass on your personal data to third countries or international organizations.

Subject to certain conditions, your personal data may, however, be made available to state authorities (courts, the police, notaries and revenue offices, etc., this being within the framework of exercising their legal powers) or we may provide it directly to other entities in the scope determined by the particular legislation.


We do not use your personal data for decision-making purely on the basis of automated processing or profiling.


In the event of any suggestions, queries or if anything is unclear in relation to the processing of your personal data, including complaints, you can contact the Administrator, specifically the representative for handling suggestions and complaints by data subjects as specified above.

* Personal data collected will be used for the purposes prescribed in the application forms/documents and will serve as basis for admission and communication on admission-related matters; Personal data will be used as evidence for verification of member identity, and other information provided in the application forms/documents.
If a member is admitted in the ICAN, personal data provided during the application process will be transferred to the member record system of the ICAN, together with personal data provided during registration, to become part of official membership records.
Personal data will be kept confidential and handled by only authorized staff members of the ICAN. The ICAN may transfer personal data to an outside agent, for the above functions and purposes, arrangements of activities (including but not limited to exchanges, internships, placements, and field trips), and when it is required by law.
Personal data to ICAN is provided for the completion of admissions application and if admitted, through the registration procedures and during membership at the ICAN.  Personal data will be used for the ICAN to perform its administrative, networking, education, and for the directly related purposes.
Provision of personal data is voluntary. However, failure to provide the relevant personal data will render the ICAN unable to perform the relevant functions, e.g. unable to consider a member's application for membership, e.g.

Personal data will be kept securely with the ICAN for all current members and for five years after ending of membership.  Beyond that, personal data on the member will be archived.  In both cases, control will be maintained by the ICAN.

International Career Advancement Network, z.s.,                                  

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